PLC tutorial 4757
PLC tutorial
If you ever want to tug at those heart strings by way of playing the strings, the Major pentatonic scale is the ultimate tool to use.
The best part about playing the Major pentatonic scale is that it contains more melodic and emotive notes, while using the EXACT same finger pattern as its more famous sibling, the minor pentatonic scale.
major pentatonic scale - If you’re much more familiar with the minor pentatonic scale than the Major pentatonic scale, all you need to do is take that same scale pattern, change up what notes you land on, then you have a perfect scale for crafting catchy guitar licks that hit all those prettier notes! Just be sure to watch the part where I show you where to find the E Major pentatonic scale

By the end of this video you’ll have 4 brand spankin’ new Major pentatonic scale guitar licks to add to your arsenal. Since these guitar licks are all based on the E Major pentatonic scale, they’ll fit perfectly over the provided backing track in E Major.